Journal of Experimental and Clinical Toxicology

Journal of Experimental and Clinical Toxicology

The journal is affiliated with Jiangsu Provincial Toxicology Society, China. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Toxicology (JECT) is an open access publication. It provides a platform for researchers from across the globe to communicate their findings in the field of toxicology, and to promote the understanding of toxicological processes. The journal aims to advance research in this field and to help scientists and practitioners to make informed decisions about the safety and efficacy of various substances and processes.  

Note: An Article Processing Charge (APC) is levied to authors to make a research work available open access in Journal of Experimental and Clinical Toxicology.

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Average Processing Time

14 days

Acceptance rate


Submission to first decision

12 days

Acceptance to publication

2 days

Impact Factor


Our Specialties

Journal of Experimental and Clinical Toxicology is a comprehensive, peer-reviewed journal that helps disseminate original research work, having a unique aspect of covering many areas which contributes to providing an awareness of research studies of scientists around the globe.

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Advanced Online Editorial Manager
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Peer review is the most essential process of our Journal. Quality is our motto and it is achieved only by a rigorous process of peer review.

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Editorial Board

JECT not only reviews your work but also strive hard for the distribution of knowledge to the necessary organizations/personnel. Using a special Search Engine Optimization technique we improve your chance of being cited, ultimately leading to increase in the number of citations which is the greatest tribute for the research work.



Editorial Board

Experimental and Clinical Toxicology-Neuroscience-Ichiro Kawahata

Ichiro Kawahata

Laboratory of Pharmacology,  Department of Molecular Pharmaceutics,  ...

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Experimental and Clinical Toxicology-Pesticide toxicology


Environmental impact of pesticide
-Shobha Sondhia

Shobha Sondhia

ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research Jabalpur, India

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Experimental and Clinical Toxicology-In vitro and in vivo toxicology-Laetitia Gonzalez

Laetitia Gonzalez

Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels.

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Experimental and Clinical Toxicology-Natural Medicine-Yang-Chang Wu

Yang-Chang Wu

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